The Douro River | By Ricardo Correia PT/EN



PT | Observo o Douro desde a Galafura. Estende-se na minha frente o grande curso de água e as serras de Torga. Pouco além, a Régua de Agustina. Vivo passos que foram os deles, sinto o apelo das terras, o ácido aroma do mosto, o cheiro da vindima. O sol, teimoso, inunda com a sua luz as vertentes que o ousam enfrentar na ânsia do crescimento. Sinto em mim pulsar a vida, como os doces frutos que aguardam hábeis mãos que os colham.



EN | I watch the Douro from Galafura. In front of me lies the great watercourse and the mountains of Torga. Just beyond, Régua de Agustina. I live steps that were theirs, I feel the appeal of the earth, the sour aroma of the wort, the smell of the vintage. The stubborn sun floods with its light the strands that dare to face it in the yearning for growth. I feel my pulse in my life, like the sweet fruits that await clever hands to pick them up.



Sobre o Autor / About the Author


Ricardo Correia is a portuguese writer, having already published two historical novels - "O Segredo dos Bragança" (2017) and "O Regresso do Desejado" (2018) among several other texts and articles in compilation books.

Ricardo Correia Lindezaco Lindeza & Co


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